Hybrid or diesel: pros and cons

Hybrid or diesel: pros and cons

With the skyrocketing gas prices, many people are seriously considering changing their vehicle in order to reduce their fuel consumption, and are wondering which, between a hybrid vs a diesel, is more economical. Even if diesel prices are often higher, this type of powertrain is generally more advantageous since a diesel engine requires less fuel.

What is the difference between hybrid vs diesel?

The main difference between a hybrid vs diesel, is that the hybrid requires either regular or super gasoline.

lateral front view of a Toyota Prius hybrid

The different types of hybrid vehicles

It is important to know that all hybrid vehicles, without exception, have one or several electric motors. There are three different types of hybrid vehicles. Here they are below with specific models as an example:

Mild Hybridization Hybrid Plug-in Hybrid
RAM 1500 eTorque Toyota Prius 2022 Chrysler Pacifica hybrid

For the time being, the 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe and 2022 Jeep Wrangler 4xe are the only plug-in hybrid models available with your Jeep Rive-Sud Chrysler dealership, in Brossard on the South Shore of Montreal, a few minutes away from Montreal.

Hybrid vs diesel: pros and cons

Apart from habit, both come with pros and cons:

Hybrid pros Hybrid cons
Significant fuel economy Smaller cargo space
Backed by a heat engine Price generally higher
Diesel pros Diesel cons
Better fuel consumption numbers More important costs for repairs
Generally superior maximum torque Diesel is hard to find

Hybrid vs diesel: which to choose?

In order to choose between hybrid vs diesel, you can always take a look at the exact fuel consumption numbers for the specific models you are interested in. Since diesel prices are higher, this can definitely help you determine which to choose between hybrid and diesel.


So, which to choose, between a hybrid or diesel vehicle? There is no real right or wrong answer. It remains a question of choice, and will depend on your taste and your budget. But whatever vehicle you opt for, with your Chrysler dealership, located in Brossard on the South Shore of Montreal, easily accessible from Montreal, you will take advantage of advantageous offers and financing plans that are perfectly adapted to your budget.

vue latérale avant d'un vehicule Jeep dans un canyon